Terms of Service

 By agreeing to the terms and conditions, I, the participant or the Parent/Guardian of the participant, acknowledge that I have read and understood all terms and conditions listed. Henceforth Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment Inc. will be referred to as “PFAE”. 

Visual and Performing Art Waiver: Participants registered in PFAE Programs, must, at all times, abide by the guidelines and regulations set forth by the program. Recreational activity programs involve certain elements of risk. Injuries may occur while participating in these programs. The risk of sustaining injuries results from the nature of the activity and can occur without fault of the participant, PFAE, PFAE employees/agents or the facility where the activity is taking place. By agreeing to these terms, you are accepting the risk that the participant may be injured; and the participant and/or parent guardian of the participant will bear responsibility for the injury that may occur. The chance of an injury occurring can be reduced by always following instructions while engaging in an activity.

General Waiver (applicable to all participants and Parents/Guardians of Participants- for any activity in which this registration is completed): The PFAE will not be held responsible for injuries, accidents, sickness and/or loss/stolen property which may result from participation in any program, event or performance. In following with infectious disease protocol, I promise to be forthcoming about my or my child’s health, and the health of my family/friends that my child has interacted with to ensure the safety and health of all patrons of PFAE.  I acknowledge that, as a participant or as a parent/guardian of a participant, I am aware of the risks associated with using the facilities and by utilizing these facilities, I accept these risks.

In consideration to all of the above documents, terms and conditions, and by agreeing below, I hereby give permission as the participant or parent/guardian of the participant, for full participation in the programs and events for which registration has been completed and I agree to hold harmless Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment Inc., its agents and employees, from any and all claims and actions arising as a result of participation in the registered programs/events.