Call for Entry - 2027-2028 Art Exhibition Season
PDF: Call for Entry - 2027-2028 Art Exhibition Season
Prairie Fusion Arts & Entertainment (Prairie Fusion) is a rich and vibrant centre of the arts situated in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. We have a mandate to provide exposure to and education in the arts; stimulate and develop projects and activities in the arts; and promote public interest and understanding of the arts.
Prairie Fusion is now accepting proposals for our 2027-2028 Gallery Exhibitions. All artists and artist groups are invited to submit entries of their work for exhibition in our galleries. The deadline for this Call for Entry is December 16, 2025.
In order to be considered by the Exhibition Committee, exhibition proposals must:
Contain original work by the artist or artist group that has never been exhibited in the Prairie Fusion Main Gallery.
Be submitted by December 16, 2025:
Include the following when completing the submission form below:
Brief artist’s statement (max 300 words).
Artist’s resume or curriculum vitae (max 2 pages).
Artist’s most recent biography (background information for promotional purposes).
Brief exhibit synopsis that includes a description of the work, the exhibit title and the number of exhibit pieces.
Excellent quality photographs (in jpeg format) of at least 10 exhibit pieces. All jpegs must be identified with the title of the artwork, clearly depict the respective artwork, numbered, and in the correct order and viewing orientation for easy review.
Descriptive list of the work that includes the title of each art piece, the medium used, the dimensions and the date of the work.
Submitted exhibition proposals are reviewed by Prairie Fusion’s Exhibition Committee and are considered for exhibition in our gallery.
Exhibitions are usually scheduled two years in advance. If awarded an exhibition, all artwork must be ready to install. (See our website for our installation requirements). We encourage sales of art in our exhibitions and will pay a commission of 75% to the artist. The remaining 25% will be used to further our work in Portage la Prairie and the surrounding district.
Please contact Lee Beaton, Manager or Gallery Operations, Prairie Fusion Arts & Entertainment at: or 204-239-6029 if you have any questions regarding your entry.
Installation Requirements
Prairie Fusion uses a standard hanging-chain system for most two-dimensional artworks. A minimum of two (2) gallery chains will be used for each work of art. Three-dimensional and/or sculptural works will be secured in exhibit cases or displayed on the gallery floor with stanchions.
Wooden Frames
Two (2) eyelet screws, straphangers or D-rings must be installed on the back of the frame (left and right), 2 inches from the top corners. We use S-hooks to fasten pictures to the chains.
Metal Frames
Please adjust wire mounts to the highest position on the back of the frame. Please have work prepared and ready to install prior to its arrival. Artwork that is not ready for installation may not be included in the exhibition.
Note: If awarded an exhibition, all artwork must be ready to install according to Prairie Fusion’s Installation Requirements.